Financial Planning and Auditing

All Capital Companies and Cooperatives are required to prepare financial statements,  comprising the balance sheet, income statement, cash flow statement and accompanying notes. These financial statements  must clearly show  and represent a true and fair view of the equity, financial position and economic results of the company. Such companies, in the case that they also control other companies,  may decide to prepare consolidated financial statements, either because required to do so by law or because  they deem it appropriate to do so.  These consolidated financial statements are intended to present the financial position and operating results of the business group, considered as a single entity.

Studio De Leo can offer consultancy to businesses  and assistance to companies, enterprises and enterprise groups, in the preparation of financial statements so required.

In addition, Studio De Leo also has a specific section dedicated both to auditing related to due diligence and tax accounting, and to the auditing of accounts. The latter allows for the checking of appropriate bookkeeping principles  and the correct reporting of activities in the accounting records throughout the year. This also permits a thorough analysis of the financial statements and consolidated financial statements.