Economic and Financial Planning in the preparation of Business Plans and Budgets

Economic and Financial Planning is the strategic process which drives business decisions across the whole enterprise. Achieving competitive advantage is dependent on the definition of a global and sustainable business strategy, supported by adequate economic and financial planning and the proper execution of such a strategy.

The Business Plan, or economic-financial business plan is the document that allows companies to define and outline a business project, including the strategies, objectives and estate planning, both economic and financial. It has not only an internal value, but also an external function, as it also serves the purpose of presenting the business to a third party.

Complementary to the Business Plan is the Budget, the document which defines the centres of  responsibility involved in strategic planning,  assigning to each one specific short-term tasks and objectives.

Studio De Leo offers businesses professional services aimed at improving business performance, the achievement of the right economic and financial balance, as well as the acquisition of more adequate financing instruments to support investment policies, such as:

  • analysis of the economic / financial structure leading to the preparation of adequate forecasts of financial needs, along with an appropriate combination of sources of financing and the evaluation of possible alternative financing channels available on the market;
  • advice on the improvement of the financial statements of the company, if necessary;
  • financial and economic planning and preparation of budgets, business plans and industrial plans in order to highlight the economic / financial dynamism of the firm and demonstrate the sustainability of investments, even in economically stressful situations;
  • preparation of documents necessary to present the company in the best light to investors, either venture capital or credit;
  • financial and contractual advice on the suitability of funding sources to the needs of the enterprise, on their sustainability and the legal restraints under which the company and its guarantors are placed;
  • assistance in recapitalization operations and capital increases in general and in any relations with financial institutions.